Basildon Combined Courts, Roof Refurbishment

Value: £210,000
Duration: 6 weeks
Quantity Surveyor: EC Harris

Working under the Ministry of Justice Framework, we completed the glazing refurbishment of Basildon Combined (Crown and County) Courts.

The work involved the removal of the existing glazed roof, for repair to areas that were leaking and to install new anti-glare glass.

Throughout this project it was imperative that the occupied court remained open and operational with no disruption to the day-to-day activities. To achieve this aim, works were undertaken out-of-hours, and took place overnight.

Furniture was removed from the work area on a nightly basis; items that could not be removed were sheeted and protected with a plywood ‘coffin’ box. Access plant was carefully selected to ensure that wheels were non-marking rubber.

Works were programmed carefully to ensure that the space could be fully cleaned, furniture repositioned, and left operational every morning.