Queen Mary University, Engineering Laboratory Refurbishment

Value: £1,700,000
Duration: 13 weeks
Quantity Surveyor: Baker Mallet

As framework contractors at Queen Mary University, Consiton have carried out numerous projects under their three-year agreement.

Works within the Engineering Laboratory comprised the fit out of part of the second floor of the building to form new labs with sixteen fume cupboards and associated supply/extract systems as well as additional laboratory and office space. This included the forming of builder’s work holes for the fume extract and supply air ductwork, making good of the floor screeds ready to receive floor finishes, partitions and ceilings followed by a complete decoration. The works included a comprehensive M&E package, including medical gases, new chillers and air handling units on the roof.

This contract at the Engineering Building was required to be completed on a ‘fast-track’ fit-out basis. In order meet the deadline the project was carried out both within normal working hours and out-of-hours including weekend working. The Mile End Campus, and Engineering Building itself remained open and operational to both students and staff throughout the project.