Repairs in Rye – Fire Damage at The George

Following the devastating fire in July 2019, which caused extensive damage to the renowned George Hotel in Rye, Coniston have been working to clear and secure the site.

Having first carefully removed debris from the area in November 2019, we then began to support the remaining structure with a series of Acrow props, from basement level up to the roofline, bracing and cross-bracing in order to make the building secure.

We are currently managing the erection of the site scaffolding which will enable us to build a temporary roof, to weatherproof the exposed timber-framed building which dates back to 1575, and allow it to start drying out following months of exposure to the elements.

This means we can also begin to safely remove sections that have sustained extensive fire and water damage, in preparation for the specialist architectural and structural surveys, which will allow the restoration phase to begin.

We are delighted to be a part of this important restoration.