London South Bank University, Refurbishment Framework

Value: £1,000,000
Duration: 4 years
Architect: Various
Quantity Surveyor: Baker Mallet

Coniston were appointed as the four-year framework contractors at London South Bank University.London South Bank University (LSBU).

LSBU is one of London’s largest and oldest universities, with over 25,000 students, drawn from 130 countries.

Under the framework we undertook a number of projects including the refurbishment of the Keyworth Lecture Theatre, repairs / refurbishment and decoration of the halls of residence (to include all common areas), a window replacement project to the north and east elevations of the main building which included the restoration of the brickwork and masonry and roofing / glazing repairs, together with the replacement of rainwater goods.

Further works consisted of a summer residential refurbishment project and enabling works for the new entrance to the academy of sport.

Our work at LSBU was undertaken whilst the university remained occupied and operational.